
The day of Pentecost is significant in the redemptive plan of God. The occasion celebrated was held during the harvest fifty days or seven weeks after Passover. The account held in Acts 2 marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Christ into Heaven. On this day, the promise given by the Father was fulfilled from Joel chp. 2.

This Sunday, May 20th, we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday. We will look back on the event that sparked the beginnings of the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ spreading across the world. We will also most likely hear sermons on what this means for us today.

Christ said it was better that He leave so that the promise of the Holy Spirit could be fulfilled (Ref John 16:7, Luke 24:49-51). He knew that the power of the Holy Spirit must be poured out (Ref. Joel 2:28-32) because the Father had decreed it (Ref Acts1:4). Christ went on to His coronation and sat down at the right hand of the Father as His enemies began to be made His footstool (Ref. Hebrews 10:11-14). He lives now obtaining a more perfect covenant to save to the utter most, making intercession for those who believe on Him (Ref. Hebrews 7:25,8:6).

After Christ had gone up into the Heavenly courts, the Holy Spirit did come in a mighty wind and rushing noise from on High. The disciples were filled with power and began to speak in new tongues. These tongues were heard in known phonetic languages that were understood by those present. These “devout” men the Bible calls them, were all from many different countries “under heaven” (Ref. Acts 2:5). They each heard in their own language and began to question the significance of what was happening. The disciples who were speaking in these new tongues we’re clearly from Galilee and likewise would not have the ability to speak to those present in such a way. Some saw it as a great moment and others saw the men as only drunk. Yet, the people heard and understood what these Galileans were saying because of the mighty work of the Holy Spirit (Ref Acts 2:7-13).

The Apostle Peter then stood up among the crowd and began to explain what was occurring based on scripture we find in the Old Testament. Therefore, we see as Peter did, it is important we not “unhitch” ourselves from the sacred text that Jesus Himself taught to His disciples (Ref Acts 2:14-36, Luke 24:44). How foolish is the notion of not allowing scripture to interpret scripture.

As Peter preached, the crowd was “pierced to the heart” and cried out, “Brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37 NASB). Peter told them to repent and be baptized. He also said to them, “For this promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” (Acts 2:38,39 NASB).

The text goes on to say that those who received this word were baptized and were about three thousand in number. It also goes on to say those saved continued together and the Lord added more each day to that number who were being saved (Ref. Acts 2:41-47).

This occurrence was one that was promised for hundreds of years. We can rest assure that God keeps His promises and does what He says He will do. So this Sunday as you hear about the great day when God fulfilled His promise of His Spirit, give glory and praise to our great Covenant keeper and His mighty saving arm. Soli Deo Gloria!

Not Ashamed of The Gospel

Here is my first sermon at Sanctuary Greenville. Thankful for the opportunity to preach and serve in this wonderful church.

If you are looking for a wonderful church family, I suggest Sanctuary. High Theology and high Doxology. Christ is magnified here. We love God by loving people. Come join us as we serve God and advance His Kingdom in love. Click the link below for our service times and location.

A Phone Call

Oh the grace and mercies of our great God! I find it most fascinating how our Lord looks over and encourages His beloved. I recently received a phone call from an old friend who in his own words said, “Man, you have been on my mind lately and I wanted to give you a call.” Now, mind you, this friend I have not talked to in some years. We knew each other from university and had since parted ways due to life, job and family obligations. Yet, as we spoke, it was like the old times in the dorm when we would laugh and encourage each other about the uncertainties of life.

In today’s world we can get lost in so called social interaction via various facets of social media, we begin to lose touch with what real friendship really is. My wife is my very best friend and my help meet, but to hear from a dear brother in the faith did encourage mine soul. How grateful I am for my sovereign God. He made it so that this simple phone call came at a most discouraging moment, thus lifting my soul from the heap. God is good my dear reader.

J. C. Ryle once said, “A converted man will not wish to go to Heaven alone.”

I would add a converted man would not wish to live life alone either. Friends are a wonderful thing. A blessing given by God to His beloved. Those brothers and sisters in Christ do sharpen us and we them. (Ref Prov. 27:17).

The writer of Ecclesiastes in chapter 4 knows the importance of having a companion and fellow laborer of the faith. The King displays again his wisdom in having a good friend. I am grateful for the ones Christ had so blessed me with. Each one had been such a blessing to me and I hope I to them. Soli Deo Gloria.

Mother’s Day

Upon the observance of Mother’s Day, I cannot help but think of the account in the Scripture pertaining to that of young Timothy. Paul gives proper appreciation to the grandmother and mother of Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:5.

For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure it is in you as well. 2 Timothy 1:5 NASB.

What impact these dear women must have had on the young Timothy. So much so that it is recognized by the Apostle and inspired by the Holy Spirit to include in the sacred text. We can never underestimate the power of influence a mother has on her children.

I too have been so blessed as to have a mother who has her faith placed firmly in the foundation that is Jesus Christ. Her example to me has been one that is everlasting. So evident was this example, that as a boy, I recognized it is such a woman as this that makes a suitable wife. I must admit as a child I thought I could marry my mother, but it was her example of wisdom and faith that I could seek in a mate. How grateful I am for that example.

In Proverbs 31 we see a King who also was taught by his mother. She made it clear to her son to pursue a woman of virtue and wisdom. To value her above jewels and to praise her because this treasure is one that is given by the graces of God. This mother also instructs her son to judge in righteousness and leave the things of trifle to the trifling. This mother, who instructed her son, must have had him rise up and call her blessed. (Reference Prov. 31:28).

I too must bless the mother who instructed and raised me. Her prayers must have been heard by our Lord, for many trials I did escape due to her earnestness. She truly is a grace given to me by God and for that I am thankful. Because of her example, wisdom and virtue, I have had the Gospel taught to me. The faith found in me was surely found in her first. I love you mom. Happy Mother’s Day to you and all those mothers who dwell in the faith of Christ Jesus! Soli Deo Gloria.

A Letter to My Wife

My Dearest Love,

No other could hold my affections as you do with a look. The glance of your eyes as refreshing as the brook. My heart is drawn to you like wind to the sea. It’s waves crash through mine soul, thus transcending eternity.

From my youth you have me. To the days of wisdom you hold me. Though time does wax, its strength doth wane. It is no match for the love we obtain. I have found my good thing as the Word does speak. You’re praised in the gates for your wisdom is peak.

Our foundation is sure for it is of The Lord. To the heights of His throne gleams its allure. For by His grace I have found my soul’s delight. By the work of Lord, He gives us rest for the night. By his wonders afresh each day, He has blessed three fold in His own way.

Yes! Little ones we have by our love. Not ours only, but from the Throne above. It sets me aback to wonder just how, we came from that glance to where we are now. Our journey together is a wonderful ride. Like unto our Lord and His love for the Bride.

May God get glory from my praise to you. For truly our love is one of few. We have made it thus far, let us not lose heart. Resolve together to never depart.

I will love you forever, yes it is true. Not by emotion, but by the intention to do. For you, my love, surely a gift from the King. He has called me to love you and to you I do cling.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Fellowship Immersed in the Word

Be honest with yourself. Are you fellowshipping with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Are you actively pursuing meaningful relationships with those who you corporately worship with on Sundays? Are we immersing ourselves in God’s Word with our fellow believers? It is easy to distance yourself from other believers, even in a church setting. It’s also easy to believe it you can strive as a Christian all alone outside of the local church. This in and of itself causes one to neglect the Word of God.

No doubt life continues to get more and more busy. Allotting time to spend with your family even becomes a unicorn of achievement. Yet, we need to not only spend time with our family in our home, but also with those who are family in our Father’s house.

I am reminded of this fact by the simplicities of life. My daughter loves Play-doh. It is cheap enough and cleans up easy enough that my wife and I don’t mind allowing her to indulge in her love of the supple substance. I have noticed, however, the amount we have to throw away due to it being cascaded across the counter, table, bedroom etc. It can almost always we attributed to the lump either being separated into pieces or left out of the container altogether. Remaining together and in the container are both necessary for the play-doh to remain what it was meant to be. Left to its self, the pieces become hard and brittle. The whole lump, when left out of the container, will also become hard, brittle and less malleable.

That is how it is when Christians begin to disenfranchise themselves from the fellowship of their brothers and sisters immersed in the Word of God. The Word of God molds and shapes us into the vessels God wants us to be. Likewise, our brothers and sisters keep us accountable to it, encourages us by it and supports us in it.

In Hebrews we read, “not forsaking our own assembling together, as it is the habit of some, but encourage one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near” (NASB). The lump is the fellowship and the container is the Word. Both are needed. We are to be conformed to God’s Word like the lump is to the container. Let us continue in the fellowship with each other and immersed in the Word. Soli Deo Gloria.

Stop Looking for the Next Billy Graham

Glossing over a number of articles has proved to be an endeavor resulting in and of a stagnant evangelical body awaiting the second coming of Billy Graham. The great American evangelist went on to be with he Lord on February 21st of this year, 2018.


His life was no doubt remarkable. He preached to millions of people all over the globe. His early ministry was marked by a strong proclamation of the Gospel and even up until his death he continued a staunch proxy of the hope of Jesus Christ. Many all over the plane can attribute their coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ through the preaching of one William Franklin Graham Jr. His death, although expected in a sense, caused a wave across America that could be no less felt to the ends of the earth.

Should we look for Another?

Now, let me be clear. There are some interesting facts concerning Billy Graham that have me personally raise a brow of discernment with the later part of his ministry. One being his tendency toward ecumenism. The other being an interview with Robert Schuller, where Graham trifles with the exclusivity of Christ. I have heard those close to Graham say it is quite possible his mind was beginning to slip considering his history in affirming the doctrine of Christ alone for the Salvation of man. These eye raisers are for an entire separate blog, but I will say his impact on the culture of evangelicals was unparalleled. That cannot be refuted. He was a profound giant of the faith. I appreciate that about him. What I will say, however, is the his death has cultivated a vast void. The Kingdom of God still advances. The Church continues to be built by Christ Himself and the Gates of Hell do not prevail. Yet, the question remains, will we see another like Billy Graham?

With all he respect I can possibly muster, I say emphatically, I am not looking for him.

I say this not with great distain or sarcasm, but with a deep concern for those who feel as if their ministry does not measure up. We must highlight the efforts of the minister who is the under Shepard to the flock of thirty. Or the dear sister who teaches faithfully to a crowd of enthusiastic children in Sunday School. There are innumerable callings in the service of Christ that surely cannot be excavated here; yet, the premise is one that we ought to consider. It’s a dangerous thing for a servant of Christ to begin to compare impact for the Kingdom of God based solely on the fruits of what we can now see here in this life. Let them look unto Christ and be faithful in whatever ministry their hand finds to plow.

Word of Caution

The westernization of making preachers icons is an idea that should be cautioning. I have no problem with appreciating a man of God who is faithful in their ministry and gains a popularity due to the truth expounded. Just so long as Christ is lifted up so that He draws all to Himself. We should be ever watchful of the preacher who draws all to himself, for himself, in the name of Christ. Let us as members of our local churches, uplift our pastors, teachers, and church in prayer that these would be faithful in the sight of God. For it is far better to please God than to gain the praises of man. We need to be faithful in whatever it is that God puts in our paths to do. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going” (NASB).

Let us be diligent in the things of God, trusting Him to accomplish what He says He will. We need not another Billy Graham, but only to be faithful in what we are given like Reverend Graham surely was. Soli Deo Gloria.


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Prepare Yourself for the Preaching

When is the last time you came into the house of God with the expectation of hearing from God? The preacher is the herald of the very Word of God. When the Bible is preached, God speaks. Many reading this blog, I dare say, do not prepare themselves for Sunday worship. Just as the preacher comes to the pulpit after copious hours laboring over the word, so then should the member come to the pew after laboring in prayer to hear the word. It is true that members expect their pastor to labor over the word; expecting such from their pastor is a valiant thing. Should not preacher, however, expect something from the member? What has the member done to prepare to receive the blessed word of God? That is a question worth asking.

We have such a strange view of church in regards to it being much more of a social gathering rather than an opportunity to learn deeper truths of God. The proclamation of the Gospel should be paramount in the church worship, but also the attentiveness of the congregation should rise to the occasion. Why then do we allow ourselves to be lulled to a daze while men entertain on stage after the emotional stirring of string and drum? We have entered into a realm where there are true Christians in the pew who long for the word of God; likewise, there are preachers who long for their congregants to be moved by it. Beautiful is that church most tender toward the Spirit of God. How it will be blessed is altogether unknown, but evident in its happening.

It could be said that the greatest thing a member of a church could do is pray for their pastor. To get on their knees and uplift the name of that dear servant to God. Asking that the preacher would stay true to the text, to cut it straight and expound the glory therein. Prepare beforehand to hear and apply the word spoken to their hearts. Be active in the service in worship with both the hearty “Amen” and the solemn “Tear”. Place the path of the service in the capable hands of God. Allow the sweet Spirit of God to rest on the congregation so that the hush of the room can be heard by the pastor. Soli Deo Gloria.

Welcome to The New Site

Hello!  If you enjoyed The Bearded Baptist Blog, here is our new home. I hope that you will subscribe to this page, like the blog, and share the site on your social media platforms. Again, thanks so much for your support and we are looking forward to bringing you truth rooting in the Word of God. May Jesus Christ be preeminent over all things! Soli Deo Gloria.

Going to Seminary

I have pondered of the idea of going back to school for many years now. I have put applications in a few institutions, but I have failed. I have failed to have the heart to follow through. Failed in the motivation to gather the gumption to pursue this endeavor. Upon my own strength is what is I have previously relied. That is until now. Each day I now awake in wonder how I am blessed with another day. I am noticing more and more the life I have been blessed with is fleeting. It is passing with each tick of the clock. Each breath is a gift and one that I should not waste.

I must say, God has been working in my life as of late. His invisible hand has been moving me along in ways that I myself could not have imagined. It will be another act of God’s providence for the strength and the warewithal to finish the race set before me. I am in this for the long haul. It may take several years to complete this degree. It is truly not for the degree itself, but for the learning to better equip myself so to equip others.

I am reminded of verse of Scripture Charles Spurgeon read that did keep him from entering into the seminary of his day. He was convicted by the Prophet Jeremiah when in Jeremiah 45:5 we read, “And do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not..” (ESV). I must say that I have struggled with that for some time. Then I realized that God had a great heavy hand upon that man by the name of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. God also has his hand on many professors of today, with wonderful resources to better help mere men like myself. I do love to read and learn. I want to be sure that I am learning rightly and not on and of some presuppositions of an upbringing via local church tradition (Not that that is wrong. Churches produce godly men by teaching rightly. Seminary’s primary goal is to equip pastors in learning and with resources. God is the one who calls pastors).

I am resting on the power of God in that He will keep my hand from seeking self-adoration, and set my face to exalt His great name.

I will be juggling many things during this process. I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to three babies, a youth/young adult minister, and work a regular full time job. I humbly ask for prayers concerning the journey my family and I are to embark. This fall I will begin my classes online at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I pray that Jesus Christ will be preeminent in all things. That He will get glory from my life. That His name will be lifted up and that mine will be forgotten. Soli Deo Gloria.

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