Bible Study Life Hack

Who doesn’t want another life hack? Not everything comes easy in life which makes us appreciate anything that makes life a little bit easier. Let me introduce a simple one that has helped me in the realm of personal Bible study.

The idea is to add additional reading to your Bible reading time. This could be a concise commentary to help you understand what you just read from the scriptures or a small book that outlines the book you are currently reading in the Scriptures. I once did a deep read of the book of Joshua aided by another book written by Rhett Dodson entitled Every Promise of Your Word published by The Banner of Truth Trust. It opened up the book to me like never before.

Perhaps you are wanting to getting a little more theological knowledge under your belt, but the thought of taking on a thousand page systematic theology book seems a little much. I suggest J. I. Packers little systematic entitled A Concise Theology. In this work, Packer gives each core doctrine one chapter consisting of two to four pages. An easy addition to your daily Bible reading.

Make the most of your Bible study by taking the extra time to add some helpful reading post Bible reading. Not only will you gain personal depth from the word of God, but you get to peek inside the minds of many others who have spent time in the word as well. SDG!

The Case for a Better Quality Bible

I am not sure if you are aware but I have a very small YouTube channel where I talk on various topics. Mostly, as of right now, the videos are Bible reviews. In this process I have found a liking and leaning towards more higher end Bibles. Premium Bibles is the term.

Now, I must say that a majority of Bibles are very expensive, but these premium Bibles can run you upwards of two to four-hundred dollars. That is a lot! You maybe wondering what is the point here and I’ll get to it but I want to make it clear that I do not in anyway think the amount of money you spend on a Bible reflects how holy or sanctified you are. The point here is to get you to consider an investment that will last you a lifetime.

I’ll admit, spending $200 on a Bible does not sound like a fun idea. At least to most. There are those fellas out there who love to collect these things like they are on a Pokémon hunt but that is not what I am advocating. What I am saying is the price is worth a good quality Bible. $200 is a good amount of money but there are many advantages in making this purchase.

I will not steer you into any particular Bible here. I can say it could take you a couple of purchases before you find the “one”. However, once you do find that Bible that just sings to you, you’ll scarce out it down. Thats the goal!

I lean towards the premium Bible because of the craftsmanship. Wisdom is attributed to the craftsmen who built the tabernacle in the Old Testament. I believe there is something to that. When that certain feel, smell, and the layout come together to your certain liking, you’ll realize you have something special. Many of the premium Bibles I have allow for more room in the margins for note taking when you have that great thought about a particular text. This comes into play when you think about the next advantage of that premium Bible.

Along with the great craftsmanship comes the obvious longevity of the Bible. Sure that bonded leather Bible you have has lasted twenty years like my first ones have, but you’ll have to believe me when I say the premium Bibles are something to behold. That is not to say some have breakdown points after much use, but you can just tell this is one you can leave to your children when you’re gone.

That brings me back to the note taking. I was blessed to receive my grandmother’s Bible after her death in 2020. The Bible is an older KJV bonded leather Bible, well worn, torn in places, and well notated. Such a treasure to flip its pages and see her highlights and notes. I wanted to give my children that same experience as soon as I saw the blessing of having it. Think of all the notes and highlights in your Bible that your children will hopefully one day be blessed to see as well as read. All there, preserved for tens of years and in a beautiful heirloom premium Bible.

With all that said, the point is to really get people to invest in the word. Not only in acquiring a great premium Bible, but also in reading and meditating upon the word read. I hope this little blog will encourage you to consider getting a heirloom Bible and using it for the rest of your life. You’ll be glad you did. SDG!

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