Because I have Daughters

I set my face to be a man because I have daughters.

My affections are tender, my heart is full because I have daughters.

Make strong my arms and make gentle my hands because I have daughters.

Stern are my words, encouraging is my mouth because I have daughters.

Wisdom I seek and prayers I make because I have daughters.

Dances in the kitchen and books by the lamp because I have daughters.

Laughs in the morning and cuddles at night because I have daughters.

Hugs around my neck and little feet on my toes because I have daughters.

Kisses goodnight and smiles aglow because I have daughters.


Having children is a joy to my soul. Of course my son is the prince of the castle and my best little buddy, but there is something particular about my girls. What once was a calloused heart has become more tender than before. Their beautiful deep eyes have that effect no doubt. Yet, I know I have to be stronger than ever for them.

That brings me to the thought I want to share. If we want good daughters that grow to be good women, we need good men. We as fathers or father figures should show our girls what it means to be a woman by being what we are. Men.

I know not all situations are alike. Many men are not even allowed to be a vital part of their child’s life and that is sad. But all things being equal, let’s consider what I mean in these three points (In typical Baptist form ;).

1. Treating your daughters with love and respect: This is obvious, I think. These precious ones are blessings from God (Psalm 127). Treat them as they are to be treated. Girls are precious gifts God has given you to love and nurture with respect until your dying breath. Anything less is letting them down. Not only that, it’s a sin against God. Ultimately these are His girls you know. Don’t ever forget that.

2. Love their mama (or their “mum” for my dudes across the pond): Again, all things equal, be a loving husband to your wife. It is the very best thing you can do for your daughter. Show her what a good man does for his wife, how he provides, how he laughs, how he talks to her. Even how he hugs and kisses her in public. A good man communicates and leads his house well. His love for his wife is obvious and those little girls will not only see it but look for it in their future husband (See Ephesians 5:25-33).

3. Love Jesus: This too is obvious but has to be said. If you are not loving Jesus your your wife and your children will suffer. Show those girls a man who loves Jesus is a man who will love them! That starts at home with their daddy. Family worship, family prayer, signing together, etc. are all essential for not only the spiritual development of your family, but will also pay dividends perpetually for your grands! Be a generational man. Lead your girls and their girls closer to Jesus. Show them with your life. Don’t expect some background music accompanied by a light bulb over your kid’s head to know when the thing will stick. Just love Jesus day in and day out in front of your girls; it will teach them to do the same.

Face it men, we have a huge responsibility when it comes to our girls. Love them with all you have. Steal their hearts; dance, sing, and play. Be their first love in hopes it will lead them to a lasting love grounded firm in the Rock of our Salvation. Be a man because you have daughters.

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